I don’t know what’s wrong with this but the movie clip really doesn’t coincide with the clicked button’s _x and _y. Sure it moves to a new location but it does not appear to flush. Like if the buttons _x and _y are 10 and 10 respectively the movie clip moves and stops at an _x and _y of 9.5 and 9.5. That is the problem I am trying very hard to solve!
For some odd reason, it doesn’t work like that. If you assign it to go to buttonInstance._x and stuff it goes to (0,0). I have no clue why though.
I am not sure quite yet how to fix the problem you are having. But as of now I don’t think the problem is that major. I didn’t even notice a problem when I first tested it.
If you check out www.theory7.com’s new site, I’m sure you’ll understand what I’m trying to accomplish. I want to follow their menu system where you see a glass like movie clip follow the mouse when it hovers over a button. The thing is their glass movie clip coincides exactly to the position of the buttons.