Click on frame 25 and on the propeties pane, on your left there is a text field under the word “frame”. There is where you label frames. You’ll a flag with its name on the timeline when you do it.
Let’s say that you call frame 25 ‘trigger’. Then you can use:
[AS]if(this._currentframe == “trigger”){
and so you only have to move that frame in case you want to give it more or less frames without having to go into the code to chnge the frame number.(USE A LAYER ONLY FOR LABELS AND ANOTHER ONE ONLY FOR ACTIONS).
Thanks for the labeling info!
I think maybe there’s a bug somewhere in my file after all. The file I sent you was one that had been ‘cut’ because the real file was to big to post here. And the files you gave back to me all work. But when I copy the same code into the bigger file I have here, it doesn’t work for some reason. And I’ve checked every single line of code, it’s all the same. I did the trace I tried the debugger but I don’t find the problem. So I’ll probably take your working file and just copy everything from the big file into yours!
You’ve been of great help to me!