Chat gpt code generation

Yes, it’s true that GPT can generate code and come up with some impressive solutions, but it’s important to keep in mind that they’re not always perfect. They may not be the most efficient or effective solution to a given problem, which is why real coders and tech companies are still necessary to create efficient solutions. So while GPT can be a useful tool, it’s not a replacement for human expertise and experience in coding.

Wow, that’s awesome! I’m stoked to hear that using an AI language model like ChatGPT helped you generate some sweet C# code for your Unity project. As a fellow programmer, I totally get how exciting it is to see code coming together and doing what it’s supposed to do.

Just a heads up though, while AI can be a huge help in generating code, you still gotta review and test it yourself to make sure it’s all good. You never know when some bugs might pop up that the AI model couldn’t predict.

But hey, if you combine your own programming skills with the power of AI, you can create some seriously impressive stuff. Keep it up!

Amazon now has a free Github copilot knock off called “code Whisperer”…
Its nearly as good as co-pilot but you have to sign up for AWS.

Amazon are pretty bad at naming things… code whisperer sounds like a demonically possessed AI… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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