coding logic - React/Redux - grab inputs from multiple radio button menus using one submit button

I see a lot more info has been thrown at this but I’m not sure I’m understanding much more :wink: . Going back:

Here, I can see if you are revealing radio button cards individually over time as users make selections, that a generator could help provide you with what’s next. But I’m not sure I’m seeing where additional logic would be needed. Would the next card be dependent on the selections of the prior? The examples you’ve provided don’t seem to show that kind of relation. Also I’m still not sure a generator is necessarily needed here or would instead feel forced. It would come down to the specifics of the implementation.

You should be able to run your python script on the server easily enough, though how depends on your backend and assuming you have enough control in that backend and have the permissions to pull that off. In Node, for example, you can run a python script through spawn.

You’re on point here. This is what generators are good at. But often they can also complicate this task. Again, I think it comes down to the specifics. For me, I generally avoid generators because they tend to overcomplicate things. Where they become useful is value iteration for custom objects, though even then it’s often easier and more useful to simply return that data as an array.