coding logic - React/Redux - grab inputs from multiple radio button menus using one submit button

Thank you!!! I appreciate the feedback. ur rt, I am kinda obsessive but also since I’m a newb I think I tend to wanna reach for what I think are cool things. I have to admit that. Most of all I have to be honest with myself. Now, with that said, I gonna build it anyhow :man_mechanic: OR, at least I think I’m gonna build it. I hope it’s not out of my reach.

anyhow, I wanna give this a shot. I have to learn. I will post again when I have some code together and then PLEASE tell me if you think it makes sense or, if like you’ve been warning, I’m unnecessarily complicating things.

a couple additional things though - the output of one set of radio buttons/checkboxes is dependent on previous selections (buttons/boxes) …and with the checkboxes I foresee having to outsource the matching algo to another script in which case I think I’m gonna want control over the whole sequence of when outputs from those scripts are returned before moving on to the next filter/algo.