Ah, but is it iced green tea? I love green tea.
Argh no it’s not, but hey, IceTea rocks, am I right?
I voted none of the above, but I choose iced green tea. (I like being different. )
lol - I prefer pizza
I think it’s about cola, not what’s your favourite one overall
else: my top ten (and how often I drank them in the last 1/2 year (~how I like them))
Water (normally I drink nothing else when I’m at home…) 54%
Milk (…except milk, cold Milk rocks!) 22%
Coffee (The only reason why I survived the first hours in school (school starts at 8 o’clock in Germany)) 7%
Beer (Dude it’s beer, what else do I have to say) 6%
Cocktails (expensive, but if you flirt with girls it’s better not to offer/drink beer, since most girls don’t like beer, and it gives you a boozy breath) 4%
Afri cola (as a step between every 2 beers in my favourite disco-> really works, I never get too drunk with this combination, even if the evening lasts till 4 o’clock (well somehow my favourite combination: a cocktail between every 2 beers, doesn’t work too good) 4%
Whisky (a friend of mine likes to smoke cigars, and Whisky is the drink that fits best to cigars) 0.8%
pure Wodka (every time I missed the cola between the two beers ) 0.5%
Ouzo (every time greece wins the EM) 0.5%
Coke (every time I drive, and there is no Afri cola) 0.2%
Any other 1%
wow man you really got that figured out! Hehe.
I used to like coke a lot until i realized soda altogether just sucks. And its bad for you. So now I stick to juice and iced tea, and coffee so i dont fall asleep in class, heh. But coffee is bad too, im cutting back. Dont like the caffiene addiction.
They serve Drinkable Pizza in Germany!?! how the hell do you cut the slices?
my top ten
[]50% Pepsi <It’s just about as addicting as…>
[]10% Milk! <…milk! nothing beats a cold chocolate milk in the morning>
[]9.5% Coffee < when i don’t find milk>
[]**9% ** Fanta! < from europe only… since i live in america it’s hard to get other wise it whould take #1 easy>
[]**8% **h20 <if nothing is left in the house>
[]7.5% Smirnoff Ice <when i’m at my sisters house usually>
[]**3% **Coronas <same but i drink less of it>
[]2% Orange juice <last time i drank a glass was last year>
[*]1% all other Crapola
Ahhh Giver was right, this was which is your favoirte out of these!
Lol it’s ok, keeps the thread going
I would post all those percents, but who here is actually reading everyones ;)?
mmmh! Liquid Pizza
At the dentists once time the dentist was looking at my teeth when he asked
"Do you drink gassy sugary drinks, like Coke?"
I replied that I did drink Coke.
Then he said “Maybe it’s time to stop drinking coke then”
I didn’t say it at the time but I wish I had just looked that dentist right in the eye and said
"SCREW YOU PAL!! I’d rather live without teeth than without Coke"
As for the poll…ehm…I vote for Sprite
Do the Dew, man. I had to select other.
I just had a Coke C2, and my god, that stuff is horrible. I mean it just tastes like a flat coke, really icky. But hey, probably becuase I’m a diet coke fanat
of those, pepsi.
overall, mountain dew or apple juice.