great, I can’t change my vote now that you added a none of the above
coke man then Diet coke.
:drool: Only the original taste,…:pleased:
Diet Coke!
Pepsi has a nasty after taste
The blood of virgin sacrifices: the drink of champions.
mountain jew or just h2o
Pepsi Twist is the best, but I try not to drink sodas, I think I’m fat enough
It’s H[size=1]2[size=2]O, [/size][/size]H[size=1]2[size=2]O, [/size][/size]H[size=1]2[size=2]O and not H2O or h2o…:sigh:
I lost and hole point on my exam for that
[size=1][size=2] [size=1]coke is the best :P[/size]
Or everyone could just act normal and call it water :sigh:
Laagers only…
haven’t you guys ever read of the after effects of Aspartame?
me i’m a Pepsi Fan, Pepsi owns all sodas
Master, when you said cake is the best, did you mean coke?
I thought he seriously meant cake lol
well cake’s nice too :lol:
Cake and Coke with carrot cream flavored coconuts taste awesome! :crazy:
haven’t you guys ever read of the after effects of Aspartame?
great, I finally see an opportunity to shine with my supreme knowledge of softdrinks and someone gets there before me
anyway, did y’all know that donald rumsfeld is a diet coke addict and that doctors think that this is causing damage to his organs? naw, ya didn’t, did ya?
Hmm, ever heard of the movie Super Size me?
haha super size me. that guy go tso sick after the production of that movie. thats sucks…
i quit drinking soda a few years ago, and i dont miss it at all. Ice Water is much better, is usually always free, unless you buy bottled Coke-water(dasani) or Pepsi-water (aquafina) from a vending machine, then it costs just as much as soda… go figure…