there is nothing as good as coke
Coke is great… Pepsi is terrible!
It tastes like flat Coke with too much sugar
*Originally posted by lavaboy *
**why? jealous that she’s hotter than you?
lol **
no, I think its just b/c she is a stupid BI**CH, I don’t like her either. I can’t think of a more fake person. (speaking of course about britney spears)
oh…neither coke or pepsi, DR PEPPER!!
i like coke, but diet pepsi more than diet coke and i like sprite
more than all of them…
but water even more! ok bye.
i like beer guys
I’ll have a double Wild Turkey and Coke please…
Looks like Coke is kicking arse!
coke coke coke…
pepsi is sweeter :).
cola or pepsi? Don’t know… …beer =)
I like coke better…
but brittney is in the Pepsi ads…
I’m tempted to alter the poll to display my choice, which is :
I hate them both.
They both taste awful in my humble opinion. I much prefer Sprite or 7Up.
Just to be awkward, you know.
actually, between sprite or 7Up, i prefer 7Up…do i sense another poll…?
Well Sprite is sweeter, while 7Up tastes more of the lemon and lime… Depends whether you need a refreshing drink or a plain old sugar rush.
Mostly though I drink water. Basically because there’s a free water cooler 2 feet from my desk. :beam:
vanilla coke! how is it earthly possible to love such a sweet heavenly mixture of things? its sooo good
lava old buddy? dont you think somebody should make 7up an option? since the poll has been tampered with to an extent already.
If I still drank carbonated drinks, I would pick Pepsi. The blue color is really cool…who would’ve guessed that I like the color blue!!!
Nowadays, I only drink Gatorade Ice - Orange and Strawberry are the best flavors!
Kirupa :ub:
uh… hey come to think of it, i dont really drink carbonated drinks anymore. but pepsi blue looks kindof cool. but i dont drink it because all i like is gatorade ice. orangew and strawberry particularly. WHOA!! kirupa! who would have guessed we had so much in common???wow…uncanny