Contact Form on single page website

Sorry. I think I made a mistake by suggesting return false. The preventDefault approach is what you need. I tested this out with the following example:

The code for both the form and the JavaScript looks as follows:

<form id="contactForm" method="POST">
		<input name="name" type="text"> <br> </div>
		<p>E-Mail (Optional)</p>
		<input name="email" type="text">
		<textarea cols="30" name="comment" rows="9"></textarea> 
		<br> </div>
		<input name="submit" type="submit" value="Send!"> </div>
  var theForm = document.querySelector("#contactForm");
  theForm.addEventListener("submit", handleSubmit, false);

  function handleSubmit(e) {

Notice that I listen for the submit event on the form and then call preventDefault in the event handler for that event. Let me know if you have any questions.
