Can I please get a little help with this tutorial step (crab firing):
I made a bullet converted it to a symbol and the tutorial says to right click on the movie and actions should appear. I right clicked on the green grass and there is no actions choice. Even if I pick the actions box (near the bottom) how do I make “The Actions - Movie Clip” dialog box appear?
I’m not sure what exactly you’re asking, but if you’re just trying to open up the actions panel for a mc and clicking ‘actions’ won’t open up the actions panel, try holding down ALT then double click the movieclip, that should work. :bounce:
Thanks for the response Phizion. I figured it out anyway, but I’m glad you tried to help out (I guess that’s what this site is about). In case anyone else is wondering Actions-Movie Clip when they mention that it means right click on the symbol you just made (which of course was selected as a movie clip) and select actions. That will bring up the Actions-Movie Clip dialog box. A part of flash that is new to me.