Crab tutorial help

Can I please get a little help with this tutorial step (crab firing):

I made a bullet converted it to a symbol and the tutorial says to right click on the movie and actions should appear. I right clicked on the green grass and there is no actions choice. Even if I pick the actions box (near the bottom) how do I make “The Actions - Movie Clip” dialog box appear?

I’m not sure what exactly you’re asking, but if you’re just trying to open up the actions panel for a mc and clicking ‘actions’ won’t open up the actions panel, try holding down ALT then double click the movieclip, that should work. :bounce:

When they say click on the movie clip, what are they refering to? Do they mean just the window you are working in or the backround?

Thanks for the response Phizion. I figured it out anyway, but I’m glad you tried to help out (I guess that’s what this site is about). In case anyone else is wondering Actions-Movie Clip when they mention that it means right click on the symbol you just made (which of course was selected as a movie clip) and select actions. That will bring up the Actions-Movie Clip dialog box. A part of flash that is new to me.

no problem, Flexus, and enjoy actionscripting =)