Creating a Sweet Content Slider

This was the code that I typed, but it doesn’t seem to be right.

    <!DOCTYPE html>


    #wrapper {
    width: 2200px;
    transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0);
     transition: transform .5s ease-in-out;

    .content {
    float: left;
    width: 550px;
    height: 350px;
    white-space: normal;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    #contentContainer {
    width: 550px;
    height: 350px;
    border: 5px black solid;
    overflow: hidden;
    #itemOne {
    background-color: #ADFF2F;
    background-image: url("");
    #itemTwo {
    background-color: #FF7F50;
    background-image: url("");
    #itemThree {
    background-color: #1E90FF;
    background-image: url("");
    #itemFour {
    background-color: #DC143C;
    background-image: url("");
    #navLinks {
    text-align: center;
    width: 550px;
    #navLinks ul {
        margin: 0px;
        padding: 0px;
        display: inline-block;
        margin-top: 6px;
        #navLinks ul li {
            float: left;
            text-align: center;
            margin: 10px;
            list-style: none;
            cursor: pointer;
            background-color: #CCCCCC;
            padding: 5px;
            border-radius: 50%;
            border: black 5px solid;
            #navLinks ul li:hover {
                background-color: #FFFF00;
            #navLinks ul {
                background-color: #333333;
                color: #FFFFFF;
                outline-width: 7px;
                #navLinks ul {
                    background-color: #484848;
                    color: #FFFFFF;


    <div id="contentContainer">
	    <div id="wrapper">
	    <div id="itemOne" class="content">
	    <div id="itemTwo" class="content">
	    <div id="itemThree" class="content">
	    <div id="itemFour" class="content">
    <div id="navLinks">
            <li class="itemLinks" data-pos="0px"></li>
            < li class="itemLinks" data-pos="-550px"></li>
            <li class="itemLinks" data-pos="-1100px"></li>
            <li class="itemLinks" data-pos="-1650px"></li>

	// just querying the a boss!
    var links = document.querySelectorAll(".itemLinks");
var wrapper = document.querySelector("#wrapper");
// the activeLink provides a pointer to the currently displayed item
var activeLink = 0;
// setup the event listeners
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
    var link = links[i];
    link.addEventListener('click', setClickedItem, false);
    // identify the item for the activeLink
    link.itemID = i;
// set first item as active
function setClickedItem(e) {
    var clickedLink =;
    activeLink = clickedLink.itemID;
function removeActiveLinks() {
    for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
// Handle changing the slider position as well as ensure
// the correct link is highlighted as being active
function changePosition(link) {
    var position = link.getAttribute("data-pos");
    var translateValue = "translate3d(" + position + ", 0px, 0)";[transformProperty] = translateValue;
var transforms = ["transform",
var transformProperty = getSupportedPropertyName(transforms);
// vendor prefix management
function getSupportedPropertyName(properties) {
    for (var i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) {
        if (typeof[properties[i]] != "undefined") {
            return properties[i];
    return null;

// The code for sliding the content automatically
var timeoutID;
function startTimer() {
    // wait 2 seconds before calling goInactive
    timeoutID = window.setInterval(goToNextItem, 2000);
function resetTimer() {
function goToNextItem() {
    if (activeLink < links.length - 1) {
    } else {
        activeLink = 0;
    var newLink = links[activeLink];

Sorry for the irregularity in the code typing. I am new to embedding the code in a comment :grin:

Do you have a link to your non-working implementation that you can point us to instead? :slight_smile:

I copied and pasted your code, and it worked fine for me. What exactly isn’t working for you? What browser are you testing against?

Hi Kirupa …Many many thanks for the very nice tutorial…

I want to add multiple slide on the same page. I tried but didn’t work.

Can you please help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

Hello ,

im just wondering , how to change slide to fade effect ? Can you help with that ? :slight_smile:
Best regards

Can you elaborate a bit more? Do you want the content to fade in and fade out as you are sliding through each piece?


Roman, I made this fiddle here not sure if this is what you are looking for. If it’s not hopefully ti will get you on the right path.

“content to fade in and fade out as you are sliding through each piece?”

exactly what i want ! :slight_smile:

can’t we use availeble slider like flex slider or carousal slider etc

Thanks for the article. Here is another tutorial about making a slider:

Hi there, thanks heaps for the great tutorial.

I just have one question. When you’re viewing the last image of the sequence, and then you click to the first one, instead of ‘wrapping around’ and smoothly transitioning to it, instead you skim back past all the other images.

It’s a little difficult to describe, but you can see what I mean in the example immediately under the ‘Bonus: Automatic Content Slider’ heading. Link:
See the transition from last image to first.

How can I make it so that the transition from last image to first doesn’t pass by the other images? I’d really appreciate any tips. Thank you so much.

That is an interesting question :slight_smile:

Would you like the reset to just go to the second image naturally without revisiting old images? If so, one way you can do that is by having the first image duplicated after the last one. When you reset, you go to the “next” copy of the first image. Behind the scenes, once that happens, you secretly jump from the copy of the first image to the actual first image itself. That can give you the effect you are looking for.

I am just thinking out loud here, so I am hoping others have some better suggestions. I will fiddle with trying to create this sometime this week if I have some time!

Thanks very much for your reply, Kirupa!

What I mean is that when moving from Image4 → Image1, I would like it to be a direct transition, rather than going Image4 [ → Image3 → Image2] → Image1.
Hopefully this makes sense - I think we’re on the same page.

That’s a good idea, of a doubled first image that ‘redirects’ to the actual first image. I don’t totally understand how it would work, but I could probably play around and figure it out.

Yet, it seems that there must be a cleaner way to achieve this. Hmmm. Let me know if you come up with anything! Thanks again :slight_smile:

This is really well put together. Thank you.

Is there anyway of passing different durations into the Javascript so that you can keep some slides onscreen for longer than others?

Ray! There is, but it will require modifying the code a bit to do that. At a high-level, one way to do that would be to store the duration a custom property (or even data- attribute in the HTML) for each element. Once you have that, you can read that duration value and use it on a setTimeout/setInterval call.

I don’t have the time right now to do that, but I’ll look into it by end of the week (unless somebody beats me to it) :slight_smile:

Thank you Kirupa, I wondered about a data- tag but they are new to me and I wasn’t sure how to code them. Will investigate…

This article can help you out a bit:


Brilliant. Thank you.

Hi Kirupa, thanks so much for the great tutorial.

I’m trying to get it to work for multiple sliders on one page, but am having a lot of difficulty making it work. I have three sliders, so I made three copies of the script, and named the variables, data-pos, and ids different for each one, corresponding to the three different sliders, and still can’t get it to work.

Any tips?


Using Animate.css I did something like that, although it’s been a long time and I dont remember the details. But basically, you woldn’t even need to put the images side by side, you would do something like this inide the wraper:

     position: absolute;
     top: 0;
     left: 0;
     display: none;

So all you would have to do is to change the display of the image and Animate.css would animate the image as its display property changes.