Final stage of website (sounds) I NEED HELP


you need to use “this” because the buttons are in a movie clip. also i hope that your mp3’s are in the same folder as you .swf ok i have to leave now, ill be home aroudn 4…


everything is working except for your

this command!!!

its not this.!!

its _ROOT :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

but yeah everythign is working now so :slight_smile:

atleast it seams like it haha

lol ok but im wondering why “_root” and not “this”… could someone clearify this for me?

checkout the final project :slight_smile:

holla… :slight_smile:

This sometimes refers to everything on the stage, but I don’t know exactly when. I tried [COLOR=BLUE]this._visible = false;[/COLOR] once, it maked the whole stage invisible. Can someone tell me when this refers to everything on the stage ? I experienced that it is best to refer to something with _root.path, except when something is loaded external, then you should use _parent to refer to something in the external loaded swf.

ok the only time i know that this could refer to the whole stage is if you stuck it on the main time line, where this would obviuolsy then mean the main timeline/movie.
Im no flash guru or anything :slight_smile: but as far as i know this. shouldnt refer to the main timeline unless as i said its ON the main timeline.
Also the code you posted with this. command may not have worked because (i for one) refer to the clips name when referencing a movie which has been loaded into a target, and movies name when loading into levels, maybe it was something to do with that.
Anyway just a few thoughts :slight_smile:

I didn’t quite get the second part of your explanation. If you ment that it had something to do with loading into levels or target, the button I used this._visible = false; on, wasn’t loaded externally at all.

ok the only time i know that this could refer to the whole stage is if you stuck it on the main time line, where this would obviuolsy then mean the main timeline/movie.

Do you mean on the timeline (on a frame) or on an object directly on the timeline ?

sorry bought the useless explanation and let me cover myself by saying i might be completely wrong ok
That said i meant this, your command


was it attached to a clip (as an ‘onClipEvent’) or was it on the main timeline ??

Well, it was attached to a button, but I really can’t remember if it was on the main timeline or inside another movieclip (or two, or three, …). I wanted that button to disapear after it’s been clicked, so I thought ( in one of my expiremntal moods ), yeah _root.path could do it, but hey, why not try [COLOR=BLUE]this.[/COLOR] instead ? So I put that code on the button. And when I pressed it, the whole movie turned white ( which was the bg color ). So that actually made EVERYTHING invisible instead of itself.

AAh i see well in that case i have no idea , i have never encountered that problem.
However i only ever use this for bits of code which need to applied to many things (as its easier than changing path for each thing !!)
I tend to always use abolute paths…
sorry i couldnt help more maybe some one else knows??

Yeah, I use _root.path every time since that this. tryout :stuck_out_tongue: