FLV video progress bar

thanks for looking into this for me, i am very stuck with it. this was all working fine before when the files were small, but the client wanted the video to be sharp so now this is were i am at.

Import your avi our mov into flash using file / import to library… once you go through the spark compression settings it will compress to a flash video file into your library. Click window / library… right click on the newly imported clip and then click properties… then click export and you can export the .flv…

this is the free way to do it… it won’t have time striping, but if you don’t need a placement indicator then it doesn’ t matter…

you can save out all your flv’s this way, but them on your server then use the media display component. For all the properties available (play pause stop, etc… type media into flash actionscript search…

all content is dynamic this way… you could load 100 different movies into the component and they will progressive stream…

code coming… promise… ran out of time today. It’s done just have to find it and post it…

basically you setup a listener and have it listen for media.progress - this is part of the media component and with a nifty little formula / conversion you can convert the bytes loaded into a percent and use that percent to change the width of a shape (the progress bar indicator).


ok thanks so much, i look forward to the code. i have some of the programs that yo were talking about before. i have the ability to make a flv thanks again.


Hi guys,

I use Sorenson Squeeze 3.5 - this encodes really well to .flv format - you’ll have to mess about with settings a bit to get good results.


mybadluck, i am not having a problem with making the flv. the problem i am having is that i need some sort of progress bar/player for my flv. i saw the one on your site, that is exactly what i need. is it something you made or did you buy it?

Have you had success with movies over 20 minutes long? My problem has been audio sync after abot 8 minutes the audio starts to drift… Around 20 minutes it’s plain unbearable. Any and all suggestions welcome. (It’s way bad on computers sub-500 mhz.


It’s all ready… All you have to do is give it movies and make the graphical elements match your design.

Let me know how it works. BE SURE TO SEND ME A LINK so I can see it!

Okay… moments later… the forum is not letting me post the file… it’s 900 k, which apparently is beyond the limit. Get it here:


i will send you a link. i just downloaded it and i will work on it this morning. thanks again i will let you know how it goes


here is were i am testing it at. all i did so far is just link to the movie i want to play but it is not playing. do i need to add something else?

The problem may be related to the server platform your streaming your .flv’s from. There’s a tech note on macromedia’s site about windows 2003 server and .flv’s. Type that into your search and you should find what you need.

Are you streaming from a windows server?


Could be the problem, i will check into that as well