Getting My Flash Intro Online

I am having some problems here. I have made a flash intro in Flash MX 2004, and want to put it on my angelfire site. How do I go about getting my Flash intro hosted online, so I can then embed it into my site? It is still on my hardrive.

Also, a second question. Before my Flash intro, how do I go about constructing some kind of ā€œloadingā€ bar.

Thanks, Flash nUbā€¦

There are a few preloader tutorials here on kirupa, try this one: Click here

Welcome to the forums. :smiley:

Thanks mate :smirk: .

[QUOTE=|<i11a Carw00d]How do I go about getting my Flash intro hosted online, so I can then embed it into my site? [/QUOTE]
Follow the steps :

  1. Publish your movie from Flash MX 2004 (File/Publish).

  2. You will see new .html & .swf files created in the same folder where your source .fla file is.

  3. Upload the html and swf files to your server by FTP.


In that tutorial, I followed everything up until it told me to right click on an empty frame, and hit actions in the context window. When I right click, my window shows no ā€œactionsā€ optionā€¦

Is that right?

Hmmm, well Iā€™m using MX but I could imagine it being the same in MX2004. Try hitting the F9 key instead of right-clicking.

here are 3 .fla files and a tutorial on making a advanced preloader - to see the preloader in action go to were i created a basic flash map for their budget website.

hope this is of use to somebody