Alright… appearently it didn’t make it past quality control…
lol nokky- u should be quality control
-Good entry…simple (it’s more like “hmmm what did he actually do to the image??”…)
Yeh, I already wondered if annyone would notice.
No offence, but maybe you should try The giant ridiculous picture chain …
@Jjp wrong thread man sorry…
thats the reason i havnt been posting…i wait until i know i can contribute some form of quality…(maybe a lesser-form, but none-the-less quality)
As the quality controller… designated by the thread poster… I approve of the previous image.
Hmm how did NoK get the quality control title? Hmmm … anyways if that’s how the thread is going to be you might as well just name it Giant Ridiculous Picture Thread 2 …
If anyone would like to have a serious picture chain I’d be happy to start one.
The Giant Serious Picture Chain? :lol:
:lol: Yeah! :thumb: ^^
LOL nah lets just keep it in here- but make the entries reasonable
okey, next!
bring em in
I am still waiting for dark. I am anxious to see some of his handiwork.
- thats another week to go till i do*^