Gotta hand it to em

hahahah, just wait till you guys eat there. The burritos are like 10 pounds. I never finish it the same eating. Always leftovers, which is good. And the steak! OH MY GOD, don’t get me started on how good it is. All the meat is so unbelivably good.

hmmph… I just ate but Im getting hungry all over again! dang, I cant believe Ive never heard of them. Ive gotta go check one out. One isnt but like 10-15 min from here

Dammit sen… You better take me wiht you… 10 pound burrito… Psssshh…

Gimme 5 those sons-o-*****es :slight_smile:

you got it :wink: you arent too far away =) from me … chipotle’s like in the other direction though :!: no matter… pick you up at 8?


wooohooo! (Ill be the best date in weeks, and Ill even pay! :flower: )

*Originally posted by senocular *
**hmmph… I just ate but Im getting hungry all over again! dang, I cant believe Ive never heard of them. Ive gotta go check one out. One isnt but like 10-15 min from here **

15 min away and you havent been!! no!!! haha…well, i don’t wanna hype it up to much. But it is some of the best food ive had in a long time. Especially for that price!

Im not picky :wink:

then you’ll love it