Happy Birthday Ilyas

Make sure you go eat some nice, extremely rare, but well seasoned beef tonite. Wash it down with some of that Frog Juice you have over there…

B’days are so much fun…


Happy Birthday Ilyas!

Hope it’s a good one. =)

Happy Birthday Ilyas!

You know I :love: you to death! I can’t wait until we set the date for the wedding :slight_smile: It’s going to be the best wedding EVER!

And as you know, I would like to thank you for everything you have done for me Ilyas. You have helped me along my path to scripting in many ways and I greatly appreciate that. Honestly, without you I wouldn’t be where I am today. I owe it to you. Thanks man :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**Happy Birthday Ilyas!

You know I :love: you to death! I can’t wait until we set the date for the wedding :slight_smile: It’s going to be the best wedding EVER!**

OK…now that’s just a tad-bit scary…

Happy Birthday, my brother.

I hope you have(had) an awesome birthday. Perhaps we’ll meet before the next one.

Happy Birthday.

I don’t expect you to gte this until tomorrw but happy birthday bro… Been great getting to know you…

:slight_smile: Take care and have a great one… Be sure to send the girls back home… Okay? They cost me mucho dinero… :slight_smile:


Happy Birthday!


Hey thanks again everybody, I’m really touched :slight_smile:

Whoa, we didn’t need to know <i>that</i>. :stuck_out_tongue:

Hope you had a great time. :slight_smile: