
hmm, see I play it off by saying that I’m thinking of the London Angel instead of Kit. You’ve got to learn some finese Mak. :wink:

oh and btw… you ask me to click on one more link that leads to a page with 4 popups (one of which is broken and bombs the IE), and I’m going to sic Phil on you. Please do not do that. If you can’t provide a link from a reliable server I will stop visiting any links that you post. (in case anyone is wondering this is related to a link Mak told me to go to in another thread)

lol, sry i keep forgetting you guys don’t use popup ad blockers…i don’t get a single popup from that site…

the finess part is very helpful, i’ll keep that in mind!!!

lol… np

I have one on my home machine… but work wont let me instal one. :frowning:

imagines kit in no outfit at all
Hehe, minds out of the gutter, people! :stuck_out_tongue:

Now just to familiarise you with emergency procudures, the exits are here, here and here <b>appropriate gestures</b>. In case we experience turbulance from low flying trout (troutstrike, maybe?) we advise you to evacuate Random immediately… :cyborg:

:: lights sneaker on fire ::

I saw that, Mr Haisley. :wink:

ok kit… you gonna tie my up with your belt?

::evil grin::

<b>In Austin Powers voice*</b> Oh, behaaaaave!

Has the guy that posted this thread returned or have we successfully managed to scare the poor guy off? :slight_smile:


I don’t know.
I’m sure he will return when he has time.
