Help! Loadmovie using levels?

well its like the tutorial Preloader and Transition for Dynamic Files
and the little window that loads a picture goes off to the corner and buttons dont work

…but like i said:
i also did this
it worked fine except that it appeared on top left corner of where it was placed

try putting in:

this._X=200//or wherever on the x axis you want the swf to load
this._y=300//or wherever on the y axis you want the swf to load

in the first frame of the fla that correspnds with the swf you are laoding. use the loadMovieNum like you did, but set the x and y positions to where you want them to appear.

yeah this is my script now
but it still appears in the top left corner

you need to open up tutorial_complete.fla and then put this:


in the first frame of the main movie. you want tutorial_complete to have this script in it, not the movie you’re loading tutorial_complete.swf into.

p.s. make sure you save and publish tutorial_complete before trying it, or it’s just going to bring up the unchanged turtorial_complete.swf.

well those measurements didnt work and i kept on putting different ones till it appeared on where i wanted it:azn: :azn: thanks so much i got it working now!

oh ****…it worked now but it stays where ever i go…is there anything to do so it gos away when i go to different section?

just use:

unloadMovieNum(1);//1 is the level you've loaded it into

if for some reason this doesn’t work, I’ve never used it, try this:



where would i put this?
n the same place i put this first script on or in the tutorial_ccomplete.swf?

You had mentioned that you go to a different section…if you press a button, put that code on the button:

on (release){

or whatever it is you use to trigger the next section to load/appear. This code needs to go in your main movie, not in any swfs you load into it.


:smiley: thanks! youre such great help!

No problem. :slight_smile:
