Help me.. Oh Holy Emperors of Flash!

Hi everyone… I’ve a couple of problems that I’m struggling to fix…

  1. This may be an IE problem but does anybody know why arrow keys fail to work for a Web based Flash game unless Numlock is On… plus if another application interrupts game play like MSN pops up, the player has to refresh and begin again? How can I code these problems away?

  2. Continuous background sound. Does anybody have any tips for:

(a) backgroundSound.start(0,999); looping a sound that’s just a simple beep is simple but how about a sports stadium crowd noise? I’ve tried .start(0,99); and .start(1,999); together to cover the gap but it just sounds like a Rave!

(b) Background sound .setVolume(25) and then intermittent sounds set to high volume using .setVolume(100) each time but then re-setting the background sound .setVolume(25) seems to eat up memory and gives an interference noise.

Hope someone can shed some light…



Welcome Gaz,
Can you show us your code concerning the key problem?
And concerning sounds, I’m not an expert, but there’s a very good tute in the Best OF Kirupa forum, in the sticky thread. Maybe it will help you :slight_smile:

pom :cowboy:

Post your questions on the forum, I don’t answer technical PMs :phil: