Hi i am new

Rev, lol you should be the background investigator for Kirupa lol…

and sen that emoticon was priceless on that post LOLOL

Welcome to the forums, lostinsomething!

he was smarter than the average bear…lostinflash was. But I think he should relinquish the name to datapimp. If anyone is allowed to keep the name. Or just snatch the name from the both of them




can i ask a question? why would you want a name soo similiar to Lostinbeta? i mean every1 is gonna laugh at your sn and know you were sweating LIB when you got that name.

but hey, whatever floats your boat

hehehe I think I like this name better then a wannby mod name. lol, I hadn’t posted on Kirupa for a while and forgot the other similar name “lostinbeta”.

Maybe we should all retreat until he changes the name to “lostinmind”. lol

I think Kirupa should do something about this whole thing, it’s a mess.

i mean it’s just a name, but if someone took coolguyolosophy i’d be angered to some extent :slight_smile:

Kirupa: change it…change it…change it, come on say it with me angry mob. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by datapimp *
** lol, I hadn’t posted on Kirupa for a while and forgot the other similar name “lostinbeta”. **


i second that funny little face

ok i give up ok u can make my name wicked6th or i can re reg i just wanted to see if julian was right and that for useing a username i whould get banned but stell i wanna be a member on this site so if lostinflash is not allowed make my name wicked6th thanks

what!!! my name! make it wicked6th

make my name wicked6th

what on earth? Wicked6th is lostinflash.

this entire post was edited by datapimp!


Ask nicely and maybe I’ll change your name.

ask nicely… lol :smiley:

julian i am at school u loser lol at luch time they let me on the computer!

edited by datapimp.

this post should have said:

teach me to use e-mail or PMs so we can talk!

You are learning the ways of the forums…wicked one :asian: Now, once your footer adheres to guidelines, everything will be good in this world again!