That code has nothing to do with opening a window without any buttons
he wont listen hell just keep asking
*Originally posted by claudio *
**That code has nothing to do with opening a window without any buttons
:-\ **
So what does it do?
The answer was given in the first reply to this thread. If it didn’t work, it wasn’t implemented correctly. Theres no need for fancy javascript, just an HTML Table with a width of 100% and a height of 100% that is aligned center and valigned middle.
It makes the window cover all screen.
I figured i didn’t implement it properly, which is why i posted the code
I have got it to work without the html table way, and just need to know how for future reference.
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**The answer was given in the first reply to this thread. If it didn’t work, it wasn’t implemented correctly. Theres no need for fancy javascript, just an HTML Table with a width of 100% and a height of 100% that is aligned center and valigned middle. **
i had no idea, thank you
All you needed to do was insert a table, with a width of however many pixels the .swf is and a height of 100%. then align=“middle”.
Just my 2c
make swf’s sizes 100%x100%
in flash put AS
Stage.scaleMode = "noscale";
Stage.align = "C";
works just fine
screw all the srcipts (i’m just saying that cause im crap in HTML)
Alucard_X, the easiest thing to do is to center it on x with the center button, then, go to the line above the thing and hit the enter button till you’re happy.
i think hes confusing aligning the image centered on a page and opening a centered popup window, when posting please be more specific so we can help you out faster
And DW is the best you just have to learn how to use tables they are your friends in any html page :beam:
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**i think hes confusing aligning the image centered on a page and opening a centered popup window, when posting please be more specific so we can help you out faster
And DW is the best you just have to learn how to use tables they are your friends in any html page :beam: **
What i meant to say was, when adding a flash file into my dreamweaver project, how do i align it completely to the center of the page?
That is what i meant
press ctrl+alt+t this inserts a table, now click inside the table and go to the properties tab and change the horizontal to center, now press ctrl+alt+f and insert your flash file it will be centered let us know if we solved your problem :beam: