I Got 'em!

smacks fez

yeah, we call trousers trousers here too.

And I do <i>not</i> wear Grandma knickers, thank you very much, Lava. :scream: :slight_smile:

Please don’t tell me I need to have pixel knickers made too now…

yeah we call trousers “trousers” in america, but we call pants “pants” and underwear “underwear”

and we call “thermoses” thermoses.

so what kind of undies do you wear then kit? :slight_smile:

<b>Aloof</b> I’m not answering that on a public forum. :sure:

ok, you can pm me… hahaha.

I find it best to retain an air of mystery. :slight_smile:

just guess. i mean how man brands of undies can tehre be?

hehe, ok… I’ll just ask soul!!! hehe

Oh quiet… :blush:

haha… it’s like a Mrs Robinson situation right there… lol

I’m not that old! :stuck_out_tongue:

lol go e! run!

Eh? Are you saying I’m old as well? :stuck_out_tongue:


:: eilsoe vanishes in a cloud of dust ::

I don’t know what’s up with him.


You’re crazy? I’m still reeling from being compared to Mrs Robinson… :stuck_out_tongue:

k for krazy…or kookie…not many words start with k.