IE6 problem

OMG GET FIREFOX! It will work perfectly for what you are doing and chances are it won’t crash like IE is. It has this feature called tabbed browsing that you will find is perfect for what your doing. Download it right now.

Sounds like a system resources issue elie. Opening up so many browser windows with graphics and animated ads probably kills the RAM in your system. That could be why you are getting sluggish performance.


kirupa what happened to my post? It disapeared when you moved the thread.

Yes it was :wink: Offering solutions and simply saying “switch to FF because of x reason” are two different things.

Sounds like a system resources issue elie. Opening up so many browser windows with graphics and animated ads probably kills the RAM in your system. That could be why you are getting sluggish performance.

I think this is right. Opening too many windows or programs will initiate Windows that virtual memory is low. I had this case last time where I opened too many windows and so it has to add memory. Thats why having a large number of ram is essential.

i have 512 mb of ram, and most of the time, when i open IE, the CPU usage jumps up to 100%. as soon as i close it, it goes down to 8% or 9%.

sony PCV-W510G
win xp
512 mb ram
80 GB hard drive

pleeeeese help!

What else are you running at the same time you run IE, Xperiment?

Just get firefox. Better anyways :wink:

and there are tabs instead of messy windows.

nevermind sushi he didn’t read this thread…

it is a resource issue as has been said - depending on the content of each of those “new windows” as well - i.e. 14 flash banners switching, text, images, etc…all at once…on top of everything else?

not a good idea…

Just get firefox. Better anyways

There are things that can be simply rectified than just changing over browsers.

you certainly are having ram problems, but I’d suggest using firefox anyways :P, I can run 31 sites in one browser window without any problem with ram and I don’t have that much :slight_smile:

Um I wanna suggest something but I have the feeling it’s a bad idea… heh.
At least get something that lets IE make tabs, I hear avant or something. Tabs are so great, seriously, new windows were always a pain.

… and it’s a resources issue, haha.

Even if you use tabs using something like Avant Browser or myIE2, you are bound to have the resources issue because the actual pages are still loaded separately :wink:

I know it seems odd, but I used to not be able to run like 10 windows of ie, but I can easily run 31 tabs in firefox without it using very much ram at all. my computer still runs fine then

[font=Century Gothic]rite now, i ONLY have IE open, and the CPU usage is 100%, the computer isn’t slow or anything, but i have one of those [color=blue]all-in-one[/color] systems, so the fan is close to the monitor, and i can really hear the fan working.[/font]

What is your CPU usage when you visit google with your one IE window open?


have you run things like adaware and are you sure there isn’t anything piggybacking?

Tabs fixes this for me though; not so much that it uses less CPU but that I don’t open as many tabs. Because I can see them at the top getting sorta squished up, heh. Like at the forums, I go to new posts, open the ones I want on page one, read them, close them as I finish them, and then go to page two. With new windows, I may be more inclined to just open them all, cause it’s so frustrating to click back and forth a lot… I know it’s basically the same… anyway point is I don’t open as many cause it looks a little neater.

what is “tabs”?

I think they mean tabs as in how you can view the information in the same one window like Firefox.