I have heard that Illustrator is good for vector graphics. I haven’t used it much, even though it’s on my computer. It’s because i don’t know how. But is it good for vector graphics? Can i draw a cartoon character in illustrator and import it into flash and animate it? Thanks for the help. Any tutorials on Illustrator will be greatly appreciated…
yes you can draw characters in illustrator and then animate them in flash, the benifit of this is that you have more drawing control in illustustrator…
Ditto on what mariofan said. I frequently import artwork done in Illustrator into Flash. However if you use any of AI’s advanced features (filters, effects, pattern fills) it may not transfer over to Flash.
Also Illustrator uses CYMK color scheme by default. Change to RGB if you are planing on porting over to flash. If you don’t you may get some wacked out colors when you import. Now that i’ve discoverd the vector tools in PS i don’t really use illustrator anymore. Only if i need to vector something detaild for flash.