whoops sorry fla on its way.
Hopefully it will fit in my inbox, I only haev like 50% space left, so ift he file is too big, it might not go through.
If that happens, do you have a spot to upload it where I can download it from. Then you can send me a link in a PM or e-mail.
PS: I won’t be able to send it back to you. I will try and fix it, but since I use MX and you use 5, you will not be able to open my file.
What I am planning to do is to reply back here with a step by step fix to your problem so you can fix it on your end.
Way ahead of you i can only upload 5meg onto my email and the file is 14 meg im uploading it now but i takes alot longer bare with me.
Ok, just send me the PM when its done.
I should be here, I was supposed to go to my girlfriends house, but it is sleeting pretty bad and I am not walking 45 minutes in sleet. Rain I can do… sleet… not a chance. :::sigh:::
what? she’s not worth a 45 min walk in sleet? what’s her #, I’ll give her a call and let her know she should come get you…
just messing with you Lostinbeta…
She didn’t want me going out in this weather either. If she wanted me to I would definitely go.
Sure, that’s what you say here…
It doesn’t matter if you believe me or not
Just kidding…
I know
I keep getting problems while uploading to my server, do you have KaZaA, MSN or your own server???
Erm… nope :-\
I use AIM, and my server isn’t mine, it is my friends.
I will see if I can whip up some kind of short tutorial.
ok cool, can you see what im trying to do by the swf i sent you?
Yeah, I can see.
One question… did you assign Instance names to your movie clip so the buttons knew what to move?
no am i supposed to?
Yeah, I am getting it to work on my end, I will just write up a quick tutorial.
My gallery is one frame long, the pictures all reside in one movie clip and then there are 2 buttons.
Step 1…
On frame one of the main timeline add this to the frame…
This will let you modify the speed your clip scrolls at.
Step 2…
Now line up all the picture you want in your gallery in the order you want. Select them all at once (use the arrow tool and hold the shift key on your keyboard and select each image) and hit F8 to convert that into a movieClip symbol.
Right click on this movie clip and add these actions…
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.moveLeft) {
this._x -= _root.speed;
if (_root.moveRight) {
this._x += _root.speed;
Step 3…
Now to create your buttons. Create your button to move the clip to the left (your left). Add these actions to that button…
on (rollOver) {
moveLeft = true;
on (rollOut) {
moveLeft = false;
Now create your button to move the clip to the right (your right). Add these actions to that button…
on (rollOver) {
moveRight = true;
on (rollOut) {
moveRight = false;
That is all there is to it. Easy as 1,2,3
Thanks alot for your help that looks amazing.
I am glad I could help you out.
To constrain it, change the code on the movie clip to something like this…
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.moveLeft) {
this._x -= _root.speed;
if (this._x<=175) {
this._x = 175;
if (_root.moveRight) {
this._x += _root.speed;
if (this._x>=325) {
this._x = 325;
Change the numbers to fit your movie. That will keep it from scrolling to the point of no return.
After all that - I think you should at least show us what you have done! =)