Your friend pops too many “special” pills. You suck at your favorite sport. Nothing goes right and your body is in serious pain…
Sound like fun… That was my night… Started with bowling… Bowled decent the first game and last game… The middle game I sucked ***… Lost all three points to my opponent…
Hurt my wrist and arm though… Wow… What a plus… Bah…
My friend decided to pop a bunch of Cobra’s into his body… Turned out I was babying him all night because he’d either tyr and fight me or be majorly depressed… Gotta love pills huh… Hmm…
Fun fun fun… Can’t go to slepe because I have that haunting vision in my head and stupid people are relaly pissing me off with 30 questions about things I don’t care about…
Yeha it is actually… It’s some freaky pill that’s suppose to make you really angry… But if you take too many of them it’ll make you fluctuate between angriness and depression… It’s not a fun site to watch…
I’m tired… It’s hard holding down someone for 4 flippen hours…
he seems to be in his own rotation around the sun, if you know what I mean… When we go to music festivals, we just let him go where he wants… He usually shows up sooner or later with a beer in his hand (how we never know, since he never carries any money) and a story to tell… sometimes they are even interesting… sometimes we don’t see him at all, and he catches a ride home with someone else…
I dunno why they make pills like that… Why do they make cocaine… Why do they make ephedrene and sell it in conveinience stores… Why do they sell cigarettes which contain more ingredients than a vitamin store.