JUst Stop...for the love of god

If the above works (you’re setting the interval two times…):

//this code on a button:


thanks for the response.

It does work actually, but I should look at that duplicate set interval. Anywho, how do I accomplish this without a button, i.e. stopping after the number of pic’s in the array??

curiously I just tried removing one and then the other --myInterval = setInterval(changePhoto, delay); – and it broke the slide show each time.

You’re right, I had a second look at the code and it should be there twice;)
(btw why you changed all the prototypes in normal functions?)

For stopping change the fadeIn function something like this?

function fadeIn() { 
if (mask_mc._alpha<100-fadeSpeed) { 
mask_mc._alpha += fadeSpeed; 
} else { 
mask_mc._alpha = 100; 
myInterval = setInterval(changePhoto, delay); 
onEnterFrame = null;
 onEnterFrame = null;

and replace “yourvalue” with nr of the pic you want to stop.


hmm, that didn’t work. Tried that in a number of locations + variations. Will an actual value like “8” work, or does this code just see +1?

"(btw why you changed all the prototypes in normal functions?)"
If you mean removing the _root, I did that because this is to be loaded into another movie. Didn’t seem to effect anything. Is that “bad” or just strange.

maybe this will work

changePhoto = function () {
// make sure pIndex falls within pArray.length
pIndex += 1;
onEnterFrame = fadeOut;
function fadeOut() {
if (mask_mc._alpha>fadeSpeed) {
mask_mc._alpha -= fadeSpeed;
} else if (Pindex>Parray.length) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
} else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;

whoa…u ppl are like pros at this stuff…the only AS i know is- gotoandplay.

hey stringy, that did work, but oddly. I get an error “Error opening URL “file:///BACKUP/images/intro/””

I don’t think this is doing anything.

– } else if (Pindex>Parray.length) {
delete this.onEnterFrame; –

I think that the slideshow stops because something isn’t found. Kind of like extending the array to include a 9th image, but not placing one in the folder. But, perhaps that is a solution.

maybe it should be
} else if (Pindex>=Parray.length) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;

invisible7, can you post your fla?


here it is. Also tried >= and a number of other permutations.

Probably an accident that the fps was 1??
Here’s the fla, I’ve put my code in and it worked…


hmmm, It did the same as what I had before. Remove the pic9.jpg from the array and try it. This was why it stopped for me, an error in it’s quary for a non-existant jpg. When I remove pic9.jpg it just keeps looping. But, as i said, this may work because the end user wouldn’t know.

Yah, I changed fps to 1 because I couldn’t get the file size down, forgot to save&compress.

Let me make this clear, you want to stop this at the end, so no looping?
this line makes it loop

pIndex = ((pIndex + 1) < pArray.length) ? (pIndex + 1) : 0;


yes that is what I want to do. What do you suggest should change.

You want the last picture to stay or end up with an “empty” screen?




Here you go, comments are in the AS;)


your a Prince and a Scholar. That worked perfectly. By the by I spent a lot of time looking for existing comments on a function similar to this on various flash sites before I posted a question and this same issue came up a number of times. Your the ONLY one who could come up with a solution.

you’re welcome:thumb: