Kit & Bombing Pixels, Happy Birthday


U should create another accont just 4 hacks…

its a lame game. after i got medal of houner i never plaid gunbound agen. then a i got cs. then i never played medal of honer. then i got wolfenstein and then i play wolfinstein like never cs is good:)

Here’s a little/massive clue

Hehe, you’re just a little older than me bombing :wink:


Happy Birthday once again to the two of you as well as anyone else celebrating their B-day today!!!


…i already told you tho… :slight_smile:

Pffff I wish. My birthday is in October. I’m younger than all of my friends. I have a crappy life. Now I’m going to sit here, pouting and wondering how I do these things to myself.

Thanks guys. :slight_smile:

I’ve made an executive decision - that birthdays don’t count after this one. I’m staying 26 forever. :stuck_out_tongue:

happy birthday both :slight_smile:
remember to drink enough :beer:

happy b-day kit and bombingpixels!!:thumb: hope I’m not too late :slight_smile:

[size=8]Happy Birthday ![/size]
Woot ! :beer::thumb:=)


[font=System][color=Red][size=7]H[color=Silver]a[/color]p[color=Silver]p[/color]y [color=Silver]B[/color]i[color=Silver]r[/color]t[color=Silver]h[/color]d[color=Silver]a[/color]y [/size][/color][/font][font=System][color=Red][size=7][color=Silver]K[/color]i[color=Silver]t[/color] a[color=Silver]n[/color]d [color=Silver]B[/color]o[color=Silver]m[/color]b[color=Silver]i[/color]n[color=Silver]g [color=Red]P[/color]i[color=Red]x[/color]e[color=Red]l[/color]s[/color]![/size][/color][/font]:party::beer:=)[font=System][color=Red][size=7]

wooo party time

happy birthday :wink:

Well I am late, but belated happy birthday Kit and BP, it was my moms birthday yesterday too…and my sis in law gave birth to a baby girl yesterday morning…
Happy birthday allover :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey kit and bombing, wish you both a great birthday!!
have a great day/night…:wink:

Aww I’m late but what the heck happy birthday bombing and kit hope you had a great day yesterday.

never it´s late, happy birthday both! :slight_smile:

[COLOR=Orange][SIZE=5][FONT=Comic Sans MS]**HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! **[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] :party: :beer:

Kit - after this one, you just say you’re 26 with experience :wink:

[font=Impact][size=7][color=darkgreen]Happy B-Day both of ya![/color][/size][/font]

Again i’m late :stuck_out_tongue:
Happy birthday both of you!