Macbook or PC notebook for design student?

[QUOTE=Theros;2344907]You really run FreeBSD on your laptop? Do you ever use OSX and why not use just Debian again?[/QUOTE]

[ot]I don’t really use OS X that much; every once in a while I need a real brower (:P), and I need PS occassionally, but for the most part I’m fine without it.

I wanted to try something new, so I went with FreeBSD; when I screw up this machine (hopefully soon), I’ll try to reinstall with ZFS as the primary partition. I think that’d be fun.[/ot]

Get a MBP and have the best of both worlds end of story, both OSes are good I ahve managed to crash both so they both have their faults.

Although I’m really hating my MBP because Leopard broke my wireless internet connection and Apple still hasn’t fixed it D@MNZ Y0UZ APPL3Z :fight: