I kinda had an idea earlier…wasn’t pretty, but I was thinking you could use attachMovie if the mouse fell beneath a certain y position…and then use that movie clip’s frames in the same way…if the mouse goes back up, you re attach the first movie clip…that’s why I was asking for you pictures…to save me having to draw anything up…
Adam, I PM’ed you about the pictures. One thing I have notice so far is that the mouse doesn’t start effecting the movieclip til it hits the halfway point on the screen. Like it only works from the left most side, til the center of the flash window. Any ideas?
Here’s an HTML page for others to see my version of this in action:
The newest version is up and has the 3D rendered character in it. Is there any way to optimize PNG files so the filesize is smaller? Right now at 65% JPG quality on export, my Flash site is already 180k and it doesn’t really have anything in it. My site will be fairly picture intensive since its my art portfolio site (the pics inside the Flash file will just be small thumbnails, and the fullsize versions will be HTML popup windows).
New version doesn’t seem to be using the y axis either?..did you implement the code I pm’ed you with?..also, sorry, I have no optimization hints, I don’t do much graphic stuff…I have a partner who does our graphics.
Yeah, that version only has the x axis stuff in it, I was working on the graphics today, instead of the programming. Trying to mix up what I do so I don’t get bored with either one. Maybe you could hit up your graphics guy sometime and see if he/she has some optimization tips (especially for transparent PNG files).
I will ask him…he’s not concerned with filesize too much…he always exports in high quality PNG’s…each of our 5-6 pages on our prototype site is about 500-600k and we’re still getting ready to add the After Effects animations, plus more flash stuff…could climb to a meg a page…I will run it by him though, I should be talking to him shortly tonight.
Honestly the only reason I’m concerned about filesize is I don’t want people to get impatient going to my site and just close it instead of checking out my artwork. I guess I’m living in the past when everyone had dialup. Thoughts on my concerns?
Not just the past, quite the present for a lot of people…I’ve been online for about 5 years now - no, not straight - and I just got away from 56k about a month ago. And yeah, I never waited for anything to load…unless I REALLY needed to see it…but I’m assuming you’re going to use a preloader?..and with your creative side I’m sure you can make something interesting enough to keep your visitors occupied while it’s loading…my opinion.
p.s. also if people are visiting an art site, they haev to expect that it’s going to be heavy on the filesize…I’d imagine anyway.
True, I guess people might figure an art portfolio site might be graphics/filesize intensive. I’ll still try to keep it as small as I can. Thanks for the replies and all the help!