Well one problem is you wrapped the <span class=“more”> around the <h4> and <p> so your margins are performing double time…
if your going to wrap the span around them then change your css to this…
.my_list li h4,
.my_list li p {
[COLOR=Red]/* remove the margin-left that was here */[/COLOR]
font-size: 80%;
line-height: 1.5em;
color: #444;
.more {
display: block;
[COLOR=Red]margin-left: 455px;[/COLOR]
border: 1px solid #101010;
height: 300px;
padding: 10px;
font-size: 80%;
line-height: 1.5em;
color: #444;
[COLOR=Red][COLOR=Black]*take out the margin-left from the h4 and p and subtract 10px from the .more one
Although I’m not fully understanding what you want to accomplish, do you want the box with the gray border flush against the image or 10px to the right of the image?
[quote=fasterthanlight™;2349040]I still think you should replace <span class=“more”> with a div,
and wrap your image with a div[/quote]
+1, Originally there wasn’t a div and the span was the “View More” text link, but instead he wrapped the <h4> and <p> in it so I just went with it to fix it. He could easily change it since hes using just a class to define the block (.more).
But I agree with faster, you should use a <div> instead of a <span>.