MP3 Player v2 - XML

Ok, its stopped behaving crazy now, but for some reason its not playing any tunes, Also can I slim down the code, because there are whole chunks for the volume control which I am not including on the player.

Double check the URLs to the songs in your playlist. And yeah, there’s code you can leave out, though make sure to get it working before you start cutting out code.

Well the streaming is working, because when I run it live on the net the loadbar works as if its loading in the file and then nothing happens.

Try it:

Pff. Can’t you just give me the entire fla so I can fix it once and for all ?

ok whats your email address, becuase it may not fit on this forum.

voetsjoeba [at] gmail [dot] com

Hey, Voetsjoeba…I’m currently using your streaming mp3 player for MX 2004, and I’m having a similar problem to Flash Gordon, except that all of my path names are correct, and I haven’t found any errors in my XML, I was wondering if you could help me out here…my fla: , and my xml, [url=“”]
Thanks in advance for your time and patience

First thing I noticed is that there is an error in your XML file:


should be


Dang, I was trying to find a loop player. You say major changes, how major would it have to be. Massive? Do you, or anyone here, know any place of a loop selector with a play/stop function and volume slider? Or a tutorial?

great mp3 player by the way, what do i need to do to get the each track to play after each other ie once track 1 has finished move on and play track 2 automaticly without having to click the next track button.

thanks in advance

anyone know how :look:

yea… get version 3

It seems the files are not there anymore. Does anyone have the flash files for this mp3 player. I would love to check it out.


He’s changing servers you’ll have to be patient and wait until he’s done.

Uuuh… Please don’t think of this as advertising… But I made a media player using a little different approach than his.

It’s called BOOMCAST (I recently got to know that another company has a media player by the same name and I will change it in a coupla days)

  • It uses an XML driven playlist.
  • Displays full buffer load, play head movement etc. CORRECTLY exactly like the functionality of WMP plus you can scrub the playhead around and it’ll start from the playhead’s position.
  • Displays detailed song info and album art.

Currently working on much much more features! :thumb:

How to view it?

Go to: and in the site banner (which is flash 4 :P) click on “Launch BOOMCAST”.

Just something I’d like to share in case it seems to be educative enough. If you think it’s crap, disregard anything I have said. :slight_smile:

Cool… I did not know that. I just went to his site and saw the page saying that.

I can be very patient…


@phoenix, that’s nice and all but 2 things… your fonts aren’t embeded and it’s not open source.

:lol: that’s good to know too cause it may be a tad longer I know he’s lookin to redesign his site too :wink: :lol: so the link may change.

:stuck_out_tongue: It was never meant to be open source.

Fonts are not embedded? Could be considering it’s still not complete. But I remember checking that that they were embedded. Musta slipped by. Will check it again. Thanks :slight_smile:

Then what’s the advantage of you tryin to “promote” it as an alternate solution, where these ppl are trying to aquire voets open source xml, mp3 player ;)… which btw is extremely awesome :smiley: :thumb2: