Need help adapting/advancing my AS

Ok, yeah it makes sense. Sorry, I was going by the example link and code in the beginning, I didn’t take notice the second code was different.

Does it make any difference if you change _y += (endY-_y)/speed; to this._y += (endY-this._y)/speed; I don’t see why it would, but sometimes “this” makes all the difference.

It is good that you got it working either way though.

PS: Haven’t slept much, and the posts last night were at like 3am…lol.

Here, take a look at the new one.

I’m stoked I got it working (with help of course).

Now, you’ll see when you go, I have a new problem. :slight_smile:

I hear you on the sleep thing. I should of given in last night, everything made much more sense this morning after some kip.

Time to figure out how to change the depth of those mcs, so which every is activated is on top. That what i need to do right?

I recall seeing something in my as book … test time!

Which is a problem, that they are not aligned in the end, or that some of the blue areas are under the other movie clips?

If that is it, you can use swapDepths for that.

PS: You replied to your reply while I was replying to your reply as well…lol.

i don’t mind that they are not aligned (i think - i’m sure i’ll change my mind - typical desginer) … yes i want whatever is rolled over to be on top … i knew it was the depth thing … a drink and a quick smoke and on to the next challenge … this navigation will be the death of me …

don’t even ask what i want to do with it next … i’m a classic case of jumping in at the deep end huh?

Lol, yeah I was in that boat and I jumped into the deep ocean, but it was fun :stuck_out_tongue:

as long as you surface … all is good … :slight_smile:

I was saved by a dolphin…

::::don’t worry about me, I am in the decompression chamber, it is messing with my head::::

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
**I was saved by a dolphin…

nice save … :slight_smile: … i incredibly crazy about them … i swam with them last year … okay going off topic … L

I went whale watching and saw whales and dolphins…lol.

Off topic again… let me know your progress, gotta go now :slight_smile:

I worked with a killer whale once as one of those resorts … got a kiss any everything … beat that … :stuck_out_tongue: :slight_smile:

I’ll catch you later … I’m sure I’ll be asking questions soon … take care and thanks!

*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
Does it make any difference if you change _y += (endY-_y)/speed; to this._y += (endY-this._y)/speed; I don’t see why it would, but sometimes “this” makes all the difference.

No. I just tried this but it took me back to square one. There must be a way, ideally I would like to have all this nested in a MC for ease of management etc. Any other ideas? Sound I perhaps no use .this … could that confuse things?

Hey lost, just wanted to let you know I was able to put all those MCs into a master one.

I posted elsewhere and some guy told me it was because you had to set the master mc to 0, 0 on the stage. Works like charm.

Thank god for boards eh?

Awesome :slight_smile:

where else did u post, just curious