New phorum skin

perfect now… :slight_smile:

I wasn’t sure if you meant it to be like that or not, but i figured not so I wanted to let you know. :slight_smile:

it was supposed to be all the way out :slight_smile:

odd thing is, that I set the board width to 750px’s, and it fits on my end, so it SHOULD fit on everyone elses end too… :-\

hm… well, it’s taken care of now…

I had the problem too, but i’ve seen it on other forums so I don’t think I took much notice to it.

geez ppl you’re supposed to tell me these things! :stuck_out_tongue:

Hehe, sorry Eilsoe :frowning:

it’s oki, it’s fixed now… any other suggestions? :slight_smile:

anyone wanna submit a smilie?


Nice! Il ike the 3d text!
But one …two things I don’t like is the icons in front of the forum sections. (red cricles or sth) …weelll not so biggie but the scrollbar should definately be another color! You have the lighter grey the scrollbar and the darker are the track but it should be vice versa. I always start clicking on the darker area!
But that’s just my opinion! Other than that it’s great!

lol, I never even touched the scrollbars :stuck_out_tongue:

they just adapted the row colors :slight_smile: