Newsletter email marketing

I am working on a email marketing campaign for a client and was wondering. For anyone who has put together html emails before: Are you limited in the amount of HTML or javascript (ie. rollovers) you can put in there? Also can you use flash in html emails? Last one, can anyone recommend a good newletter program (mass mailing)?

Any help appreciated.

Generally speaking, there aren’t any restrictions as far as size is concerned, or content, but I wouldn’t send anything very large, because those dial-up people will kill you if they have to wait 20 minutes to download Spam. Also, you would run into the same problem that you would with any web-site: the longer it takes to open, the sooner you’re going to lose their attention, and if they don’t have the right plug-in, they won’t be able to view certain things… I would be careful, and fully think things out before sending a 600k Flash movie to a few hundred people through e-mail… And don’t even think of sending me any spam… cause if you do… :pa:

yeah, I wa saware of file size. But my plan was to use some DHTML. To do some some showing and hiding of divs to maximize info delivery in one email. So I was not sure since most will be using outlook if there was some functionality that would be lost from within outlook since it is not necessarily a browser. I could do trial and error but was curious if anyone ran into any problems.

It is possible to put any code into an email. The ability to view it depends on the capibilities of your email client.

Email clients like lotus notes, aol, and hotmail have really crappy HTML readers.

Every time I have a client ask me about HTML email I try to steer them in the direction of text based messages. If there has to me imagery or what have you I try to convince them to provide links in the email.

it is also a security issue to have external images load in your emails…

personally, I have them turned off.


I’m with Fester a bit …

I say have a text-based newsletter, and provide a link to some webspace where the “articles” or information are present.

hhmmm…thanks guys just the kind of info I needed. If you have more input keep it coming. The campaign has to be images based. So ihave to find a way around any pitfalls.

good discussion at the bottom too.

redgolgi has been doing this for the past week.

We broadcast an HTML based email every two months.

Most everyone these days has their mail program set to allow html - there is a very small percentage that does not.

I would not recommend using flash, we did once and had a large percentage of the emails returned to us due to security settings.

Also, follow legislation

Federal E-mail Legislation - What You Need to Know

This month, the Federal Can Spam Act went into effect. Its goal is to stop the fraudulent practices associated with Unsolicited Commercial E-mail (UCE), not to hinder the operation of legitimate e-mail marketers. But, it is important for marketers to understand and abide by the law because these best practices are no longer optional. Here are some things you should know about the federal legislation.

Prohibits deceptive practices. As a legitimate e-mail marketer, these prohibitions shouldn’t impact your marketing efforts. The following fraudulent practices have been outlawed:

Accessing a protected computer without authorization to transmit multiple commercial e-mail messages
Using a protected computer to transmit messages with the intent to deceive to mislead recipients
False or misleading header information
Falsified identity
E-mail address harvesting and random address generation
Unsubscribe and Valid Reply. A “functioning return electronic mail address or other Internet-based mechanism” must be included in each message. In other words, you must provide an online method for recipients to opt-out, either through a return e-mail or a click-through link. Socketware suggests that you monitor all incoming messages for unsubscribe requests, regardless of the opt-out method you choose to offer.

The unsubscribe method must be functional for 30 days after you send the message and unsubscribe requests must be honored within 10 days. Be sure that recipients are unsubscribed from ALL of your lists or allow them to choose which communications they want to receive.

Valid Physical Address. The postal address of the sender must be included in all unsolicited e-mails. Socketware recommends that permission emailers include a physical address in their campaigns.

Deceptive Subject Headings. It is illegal to use a subject heading that would mislead a recipient about the contents or subject matter of the message.

Labeling. Messages that are opt-in do not require labeling unless they contain sexually oriented content. In upcoming months, the Attorney General will prescribe the labeling to be included with sexually explicit messages.

State Pre-emption. The Can Spam Act overrides existing state laws, even those that are stricter than the federal legislation.

“Do Not E-mail” List. The Do Not E-mail list has not been signed into the law yet. The Can Spam Act gives the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) permission to study the possibility of the list and suggest ways to implement it. The FTC will report to Congress in six months with their findings.


thanks man…very good info!!! These emails are directed to specific buyers of Gallo’s products so there wont be any spamming everyone will be expecting the email for the most part. But thanks for the informative post,

Just FYI…

All of our newsletters are sent to customers expecting the emails as well…

be sure to follow anti-spam legislation.