www.edwinrosero.com Does that splash make u wanna come back at a later time to see whats in there.
umm… truthfully… In my opinion , not really…
You should make a flash movie comming soon thing instead…
For someone to remember to come back @ a later date, they gotta be WOWed. I just don’t see the WOW. =)
I’m a mech freak so I would definitely come back to see what’s next. I like it. =)
I gotta be honest. I would’nt be that interested to come back. Its good, but man, I gotta say, I like this one the least of all the work I have see you do. (I’m not saying its bad, b/c all of your work is breathtaking) but…this one is just not that…WOW (as someone else said) .
I hope this did’nt come off in the wrong way:cowboy:
It’s good, but I don’t know if it’s good enough to make we want to go back… Perhaps if you would make it a bit more manga-style or something… I’m not an expert in this, but it’s just an idea.
I really like the cloudsmall.jpg though. Except for the guy’s face maybe, but the rest is very good! If I were you, I would make the main splash page in blue, and with clouds and everything, with that little guy instead of the orange mech thing. But again, that’s just me.