Photoshop and Flash

So why not admit what you did was wrong, apologize for it, and move on?

it is up to you.

or this will follow you throughout your time here… and not just by me (how many emails did you send out anyway?)


and stop reporting this thread to the mods…

I am a mod…

so you are reporting me to me?

you have not apologized for spamming… a major no-no anywhere…

just because you are female, do not expect me to be ‘easy’ on you…


Whats going on with this thread??? :h:


*Originally posted by DDD *
**Also if you have Fireworks I would drag it through there and export out as a png32 (only available in FW). Much better compression and better image quality **

I found in the photoshop / image ready export to swf, you can save as lossless32. So same deal. just though i would let you know :slight_smile:

Not that my input means much, but I think you should just give her a warning and if it happens again show her the results.

Your going to stress yourself out to much on the forum Rev.

rolls Rev a blunt

Here ya go, just remember to pass!

ya chill rev, ease up on him, I think you made your point clear :slight_smile:

hey he/she reported this thread to the mods? I did not get an email on it. Yeah this thread is full of mods so no need to report. I’m with eilsoe, I think you bashed him enough. Hope you got your answer :beam: