Pixle Fort :: ;)

thanx alot TheOrangeOne .
and soul . what is it u want us to do ? :wink:
am with yeah :wink:

I was thinking just a simple thing where we both do a part and then put them together. Be interesting to see our styles together :slight_smile: PM me if you wanna

  • Soul :s:

great . it is a good idea . :wink: soul .

good stuff, first one? i’m humbled. The sky could be improved a bit but it’s ****ing awesome

thanx awligon .
i agree with you . i didnt care much about the sky … duno why :wink:

were you the one who did the vector art of the same scene?

if so that is an awesome translation!!!

good work

yeah . prstudio .
it was me … it was the same scene but i did it in vectors .
so why dont i do it in pixle art style .
and here it is .
am working to make this pixle fort 800 pixls in width . :wink:

here is it .

i compleeted am Pixle fort . what do u think of it now ?


**** me! thats awesome dude! You must have a lot of patience.

thanx . but yeah when u make pixle work you gotta have lots of patience . :wink:

Very cool, much better and cleaner thean the first one :thumb: The sky doesn’t look hand done, is it a gradient or something?

I started a pixel piece ages ago and it was really long like that, I might finish it… digs it up I also had a medieval town somewhere, thats not finished either lol, its a bad habit :blush:

  • Soul :s:

what did you use to make it? :slight_smile:

and i was wondering about the sky too, no way it’s hand-made :stuck_out_tongue:

great job though, i love it :slight_smile:

i suppose it is possible to produce it by hand though. Same as it is theoretically possible to produce a photo pixel by pixel.

once again, the fort is astounding yet the sky and sun don’t really do it for me. But overall it’s awesome. The sun could go though.

thank yaa all .
yeah . the sky is not done by hand . i made a gradient then exporeted it as a GIF . with menemal settings .
i will try making it by hand and then i will see :wink:

  • ahmed . i used Macromedia Fireworks . i use Fireworks in everything :wink:

and hay soul . continue ur work and show us . :wink:

You have PMs that you’re not checking Aura :bad:

ops sorry . Soul