Please help me with this 'Drag&Drop' problem (Flash5)

I don´t even had to open your fla. I had open the swf and it worked perfectly for me.

but don´t ask me why.:-\

Now I remember… a while ago h88 was helping someone with a fla that changed the color based on the hour, and the fla from h88 was not working for me, but for everybodyelse was ok. and I couldn´t understand, and I still can´t. and we start to discuss (in friendly terms) cause h88 couldn´t believe that it wasn´t working for me. Now I uderstand him, if I was in his place I would have thought: what a prick! that guy is just trying to bug me., but even tho he was very polite.

lets call somebody else to see. maybe lost, elisoe, rev and h88.


Works fine for me.

I am on MX, I don’t use Flash 5 :frowning:

how odd :slight_smile:

and I have no doubt that with you two it is working.

only with me it doesn’t (IE5.5 win?!)…

Just tried it on another system (also flash 6 player in Browser), but it doesn’t work)… I can drop, but the arrow snaps to default position, instead of the last dropped/passed on/over… :frowning:

check out this attachment. Someone else had a go at it.
I am not quite sure if in my case this would work:
this one snaps back only to the last dropbox Dropped on, and not as in my case ‘passed over’ , so that might be why on Snap it does show the text.

But maybe he approached it from an angle that we are missing?

(in any case we are getting a nice collection of .fla experiments :wink: ).


No problem, I am leaving really soon though, so I can’t help out anymore for a while.

Hopefully the problem will be solved before I get back though :slight_smile: :bad:

thanks Beta.

anyone an idea if the two .fla’s could somehow be mixed?

since at least here with me it doesn’t work, I reckon that the solution is with the code on the MC, not the button, since I guess the button always needs the cursor input (over press release) to act. So the MC should somehow detect it’s position (_x coordinate) (maybe by giving the dropbox a marker/var) and then play the right TextMC ???

The solution is on both of them.
Look at the last code I´ve post here.

Maybe you should remove and reinstall the flash plugin.

I am fairly sure the problem lies with the mx installation you have. I have tried it here on several different systems and setups, both flash5 and flash6, but it simply doesn’t work (timeline 4 that is).
I slide, I can drop, but it only snaps back to default.
And since it did work before, the problem should be in the last added code.

any ideas?

how come the problem lies with the mx installation I have?

if my and your files worked here at my and in lost computer, and they didn´t worked only in your computer?




hehehe, actually I was not refering to your particular system, but more the Mx thing in general :slight_smile:

I checked it now on several systems, most of them Flash 5, some Mx, and it doesn’t work.

So even if on other machines it works, it means it is not working good enough for some reason.

I admit that logically it should work, since the onClipEvent (enterFrame) part is taking care of the ‘when the arrow mc is on top of the dropbox the textMC should play’ part…

but it doesn’t :frowning:

I have been trying to alter the code all afternoon, but so far without result…

so any suggestions would as always be very much appreciated!

There´s nomthing more that I can do.:frowning:

I tried in 3 different computers and it works, so what else can be done:q:

Anyway, hope I can help you better nex time:)

Cheers =)

and the solution was staring us in the face all the time :slight_smile:

for dropbox 1 the _x coordinate should have been 40 instead of 41 and db2 229 instead of 230!!!

thanks for your help though :slight_smile:

not likely that I will be bothering you with more flash stuff before the end of this year, so merry Christmas <:} to ya, and a happy 2003 to come :slight_smile: