Rollovers with external images

sweet!! i was busy all weekend and just had a chance to see it this am. the rollover works great. and you eliminated the before and after jpgs. thats perfect.

so now i’m one step closer to what i want to do. right now in the code you provided, when i click on the swf it opens a new full size window with toolbars. i’d like it to open a small fixed size window with no toolbars, just a scrollbar.

i tried inserting an inline javascript function but i get an error that said “Can’t run script because Safari doesn’t allow JavaScript to be used in this way.” i’m still new to as3 so the answer is probably obvious but i cant seem to figure it out.

what i tried to do was insert the following code:

var jscommand:String = “‘’,‘win’,‘height=300,width=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes’);”;
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“javascript:” + jscommand + " void(0);");
navigateToURL(url, “_self”);

in place of this code:

var _link:URLRequest = new URLRequest(“”);

also, i want to be able to use the same .swf multiple times on one page for different thumbnail images that will open different html documents. is there a way to change the bird.jpg image and the URL in the popup function to variables that can be controlled by using the following javascript in my html:

<script type=“text/javascript”>
var so = new SWFObject(“assets/flash/project.swf”, “video”, “390”, “100”, “8”);
so.addVariable(“imgName”, “bird.jpg”);
so.addVariable(“imgLink”, “bird”);

as always, any help is much appreciated:)