Yeah, but I think I can get past that.\r\rOne thing that still drives me insane… Even on yours, when you click on the scroller it moves slightly based on the location of your mouse.\r\rThere has to be some way to do this with just startDrag… That way that wouldn’t happen… It would stay nice and immobile until you dragged it yourself…
I can’t pull it off. Too many movie clips. The X and Y values get all messed up.
Anybody who wants a crack at the .fla, give me your e-mail and I’ll send it to you.
I need this done, but I can’t get it working…
What’s the prob, Bob ?
pom 0]
Simply put, I still haven’t gotten it working perfectly. Actually, now I’m further off than ever.
The real problem is that when the program looks at the x and y values of the scroller, they’re all in a huge complicated mesh of movie clips that gives them weird, inconstant x and y values that don’t work very well together.
Are you talking about my fla ? I don’t remember putting clips all around the place…
pom 0]
No, I’m talking about my .fla. It’s covered with clips, and they’re all completely necessary.
I don’t know how I can help. Good luck then…
pom 0]
Well that sucks.
Oh well. It’s not the most important section. I’ll just perfect everything else and procrastinate until I feel like doing it.