SwapDepth of MC's with buttons (flash5)

thanks :slight_smile:

so since the buttons would be in a SWF loaded on the main, I would put the code in the root of the SWF.

out of gratitude I promiss to never use scenes either :wink:

I will let you know how things go.

yeah as long as you keep them all contained within themselves … err rather the buttons, the images and the script all in the same timeline you shouldnt have any trouble

and thanks :wink:


woohooo :slight_smile:

and it works lovely.

even after washing it at 60 degrees, the colors remain vivid and brand new :wink:

thanks man and have yourself + family a happy new year!


ps. do you work at macromedia, you sure know an aweful lot about actionscript :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by ericinho *

ps. do you work at macromedia, you sure know an aweful lot about actionscript :slight_smile: **

heh no, but I often teach Flash and Director at a college in baltimore - actually not so much now :wink:

ah, I see :slight_smile:

shame btw that the http://www.umbc.edu/interactive/flash/ pages don’t work anymore (tutorials and stuff), or is it student of umbc only material?

Ive been working on a redesign


the flas are here


Iver been busy with work though so I havent gotten much done.

The flas I need to go back through too. Most of them are pretty old and done pretty quickly and arent all that great :wink: Ill get around to it. You bringing it up will give me some inscentive though