The perfect Christmas gift for that special little girl in the family


I need one of them



If this is serious, how can you even laugh? This is twisted and bizarre.

leave it to the Brits.

sad thing is Ive seen it in a store and its not even just tesco’s that sells them, sometimes I wonder why my country is so ummmm thinks of word that wont be filtered Rubbish

Simple… :lol:

HAHAHAHAHA. This made me laugh.

This bit was funny:

Dr Adrian Rogers, of family campaigning group Family Focus said yesterday that the kit would “destroy children’s lives”.

And those are just a few of my favorite things :pleased:

I wonder if it comes with a complimentary tube of nonoxynol-9 and a set of rubber gloves?

If so,


***I ***know what Jamie’s doing this weekend

Unleash the sex kitten inside? :lol:



I wonder if the campaigner *really *meant to say this: “This should only be available to the most depraved people who want to corrupt their children.”

So it should be banned from general sale but what the hey, if you can demonstrate that you’re depraved and have a genuine reason for sale viz a viz child corruption, then you can buy as many as you want?

Made me wonder what kind of promotional tie-in products they’d come up with for the Wickerman film - a DIY wicker kit perhaps? :smirk2:

^^ lol

lol, i’m suprised a store like Tesco would even think of stocking something like that…

You’d be surprised what kind of adult-orientated products the supermarkets sell nowadays…to be fair to Tesco, I doubt if this was marketed at kids as it’s more the kind of tat they push out towards Valentine’s Day. I suspect “Toys & Games” was the only way they could index it on their website.

being the father of a 3 year old girl and seeing how fast our society (especially girls) is being forced to grow up these days, I find it a little disturbing that added idiocy like this is out there.

I’m assuming not many of you have kids, much less daughters - just like the makers of this product I suspect.

Next up on the list is Barbie Brand Vibrators


[quote=Sothen;1985402]being the father of a 3 year old girl and seeing how fast our society (especially girls) is being forced to grow up these days, I find it a little disturbing that added idiocy like this is out there.

I’m assuming not many of you have kids, much less daughters - just like the makers of this product I suspect.[/quote]

Disturbing? I can’t see anything that suggests that Tesco, or the manufacturers, intended it to be a children’s product.

on the radio they were talking about this harry poter boom stick that vibrated and how they were being sued for it.

I want one! :pleased: