Vertical infinite menu


'DOH! I shoulda tested the code, I didn’t even think about how half of the clip is hidden under a mask… and that area still counts as a hit area.

:trout: <-- to me.

Glad you got it working though.

no problem, its difficult to follow someone others project without having the .fla

and doing it this way, i have to think a little bit on my own and learn actionscript, which is much better than just pasting someones code into my movie.

I wouldn’t have been able to use your .fla anyways though.

My comp blew a ram chip so having Flash open kinda makes it screwey because I had very little ram to start with, and by missing a chip I am just totally screwed…lol. I haven’t see Flash in a few days now :frowning: :frowning:

that does not sound good.

i’ve some more work for your brain:
in the infinite menu, i defined 6 images as buttons (could change that to movieclips). how can i get the buttons work, to show a bigger view left of the menu? should the bigger view be an object or an embedded movieclip where a click on a menu-item moves the internal timeline of the embedded movieclip to the right position?

here’s the link to the current version: : releases : exhibitions : behnisch, behnisch & partner _aedes east, berlin 2002

Probably the easiest way would be to create a movie clip that holds your images.

Inside that movie clip insert each of the new images into seperate keyframes. (being sure to have a stop() action at frame 1)

So frame 1 will be image 1, frame 2 will be images two, etc, etc.

Then on your buttons in the menu you could use a gotoAnd<B>Stop</B>(frame#)

So say you clicked on image 5 you would use…


But I am thinking you are loading these in with loadMovie into your main movie (am I right?), so in that case using _root will not work. Depending on your setup you will have to replace _root with _parent or _parent._parent (depending how many levels in your buttons are in your movie clips).

well, i gonna do that, put each big view into a movieclip and let the timeline jump to the labeled frames.

but, how can i give the action to my buttons in the menu? how can i adress them?

Not sure what you mean. I showed you an example of the on release code in my last post about how to add it to your button, so I am not sure what you mean by asking how you add it to your button.

well, i guess i have to be more specific.

when will you fix your ram-problem, that i can post my fla? might help…

now, the site structure is built in several scenes, each item on the main navigation menu links to an own scene.

the vertical menu is on scene “releases”.

in that scene, i put an instance of a movie clip called “aedes”, the instance has the name “view”. the frames holding the different images are labeled “aedes1”, “aedes2”, …

in the same scene the menu is located.

there is no load movie or similar.

what would be the path from a menu item to the labeled frames in the movieclip “aedes”?

is it _root.releases.aedes(aedes1) or is it _root.releases.view(aedes1) or is it something completely different?

i go crazy with this stuff, it is my first project in flash and i want to learn all that what you guys allready know. might take long time.

When targeting a frame label it must be in double quotes, and your location has nothing to do with the clip name, just the instance name.

So you have your _root, then your have your instance name “releases” then you have your instances name “aedes” from which contains your frame labels. So your first one was almost right, it would be…


With the double quotes around aedes1.

And wow… several scenes all with these pictures? That file size must be huge. But since you mentioned loadMovie I assume you already know about that so theres no point in my recommending it over scenes.

You can post your .fla, if I can look at it I will, and maybe other people will be able to come along and help too if I can’t.

i got confused last weekend.

i tried everything that you told me, but it was worthless, i did not succeed.

here’s my .fla, please have a look at it.
still the vertical menu that drives me crazy.

i tried to adress the buttons in the menu to play a labeled frame in the movieclip that holds the bigger views of the buttons.

please look at scene “releases”, where the menu is placed, also the movieclip “aedes”, instance name “view”.

i gave each button in the menu an action. nothing happened. i’m not shure, if the path is wrong or something other…


****, could not attach the .fla, it is to big.
even as .zip it has some 500k. that is bad.

Hehe… one big mistake I made subconsiously.


That gotoAndStop is a big important thing I accidently left out :x


got it to work now:

on (release) {

the movieclip which holds the big images has own stop actions. i let the images fade in and want to let them also fade out. i have seen something about that issue anywhere in this forum. i will come back after searching, trying and failing.

anyway, here’s the link to the menu: : releases : exhibitions : behnisch, Behnisch & Partner _aedes east, berlin 2002

and, as i was not able to post my .fla, here’s the link to download:

thank you for guiding me up to here, this kirupa forum and its members is the very best i found!

Very cool :slight_smile:

And for that fading out… do you mean something like this?

Wait… after re-reading… I don’t think thats what you want :stuck_out_tongue: