What is your favorite JavaScript object?

Mine would have to be the array! IntersectionObserver might be a distantā€¦VERY distant second :stuck_out_tongue:

I like Function. But, hey, Arrays are cool too.


Well maybe, or maybe not?

elm user?

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Maybe Just Maybe (oh) Nothing ? :yum:

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but is it always an object?

Not always, but it is most of the time, so that should count. :+1:

Date, because who doesnā€™t like an object that can get you dates :run_in_fear:

RegExp is pretty neat too.


I donā€™t have a favorite, but I like how random things can be combined:

Infinity.constructor(NaN) // NaN
NaN.constructor(Infinity) // Infinity

throw Symbol`hey`

(_ => Object)`${ void 0 }`

Hmm, looks like all these examples use functionsā€¦ just sayin!

@senocular, I appreciate how you first ā€œlikedā€ my Boolean answer then ā€œun-likedā€ it, very Boolean-esque. :nerd_face:

Itā€™s been a whileā€¦ are JS functions not objects?

Maybe I did, maybe I didnā€™t :ninja:


They are. I said I liked functions. Then you come and show a bunch of functions, so I feel validated :wink:

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