Why is flash only executing the first line or code

i have 3 buttons(movieclipbuttons to be exact), each of the buttons have a animation in two sections (first one being open / second one being closed) kind of reverse animations of eac other. anyway whats happening is that as one cd goes into an open session the other two remained closed when i open up a other session (i choose between two) the home cd becomes closed which is correct. but the closing of the home cd is on the first line of the if statement. Now, if i click on the home session then it closes the other sessions like its supposed to. but if its any of the other sessions then the only session that goes back to closed state is the home session and the others just completely disappear. Im confused, why is flash only testing the first line of code and more puzzling why is it executing it even thought the value is false in certain instances. Whew, anyway here is my code

–Home Button–
on (release) {
if (_parent.pictureBut._currentframe=15) {
} else if (_parent.vidBut._currentframe=15) {
} else {
–Pictures Button–
on (release) {
if (_parent.homeBut._currentframe=30) {
} else if (_parent.vidBut._currentframe=15) {
} else {
–Videos Button–
on (release) {
if (_parent.homeBut._currentframe=30) {
} else if (_parent.pictureBut._currentframe=15) {
} else {

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