Yea, fasters gunna sell his touch and get the 16gb iphone
@w1sh: apple posts a video after
Yea, fasters gunna sell his touch and get the 16gb iphone
@w1sh: apple posts a video after
So the battery is basically the same… thought they were gonna upgrade it just maybe.
Sticks with his ipod
Temp, 5 hours of talk on 3G? That’s pretty impressive.
■■■■. Looks sweet. I think I’ll get a couple for the wife and I.
Its not that bad, I just mean surfing the net and stuff on the current one drains the battery very quick… its still good in terms of a phone though.
5 hrs of talk is $199 cheap.
I can’t wait to get one of these babies. I really wish there was a 32gig though. I wonder if I’ll be better off waiting a year for that instead of getting locked in with the smaller one for two years.
[QUOTE=nobody;2339617]I can’t wait to get one of these babies. I really wish there was a 32gig though. I wonder if I’ll be better off waiting a year for that instead of getting locked in with the smaller one for two years.[/QUOTE]
Go a year without or a year with 16 gigs instead of 32 gigs; sounds like an easy choice to me =)
I’m selling my iTouch and getting a 3g iPhone in July.
Yeah I’m just trying to look like I’m being economically intelligent about this. I’ll have one on the 11th no doubt.
I’m pretty disappointed all the features I wanted came out except larger storage and no Flash player support so I’ll hold on upgrading to the 3G iPhone I’ve had both and 8 and 16 gig and was hoping the 3G was going to be 32gigs so when the 32gig iPhone comes out I’ll think about upgrading and the price this time is very attractive.
So go out and buy an iPhone all ya cheap bastards that didn’t get one before :lol:
And still no friggin copy and paste ■■■■ you Apple :fight:
It’s not the price of the iPhone that is deterring me, it is the monthly cost. I really do not want to pay $30 a month. Currently I am on a family plan with $10 to add the line and another $10 for texting. The iPhone’s monthly plans are not attractive at all
^ I know; that’s why I’m getting a Touch once they reduce its price. The extra money per month just isn’t worth it. Besides, the price of my current plan with a simple cell phone is dirt cheap, so I think I’m gonna stick with it.
I don’t get the name to these events…why not just call it Where Apple Unveils New **** Every Year 08?
. . . because the event is primarily a conference where developers go to learn about new technologies and get help with stuff from Apple engineers.
Yes, I can understand that part too…but how is it Worldwide especially since its just Apple. Where they mostly use it to launch new products anyway lol.
Yeah really…
It’s a really clever marketing scheme. To make it seem like the iPhone will be the standard.
I almost thought about buying one until I realized I was super poor and my LAN-line unlimited cost $30/mo.
So that iPhone can kick rocks.
Because people come from all around the world. I think you’re trying too hard to find excuses to hate on Apple.
This is an apple event, apple has every right to unveil whatever they want.
It’s just a matter of time till we’ll be using VoIP for cell phones you can use it on a hacked iPhone with fring and some other 3rd party apps will keep showing up.
^ You can already do that, I saw a company that was doing VoIP on the iPhone. It was pretty cool.
He already said that it exists with Fring
but its a hacked app
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