You Know You're A Flash Addict When

  1. You pull your kids out of school so they can learn Flash.
  2. You REALLY want to change your name to “Mac Flash” (macromedia flash)

I am NOT a funny person


  1. You constantly flash people because it’s about as close to being an actual flasher as your ever going to get.

you sit on the cmputer all day and use FLASH… okay…

You have dreams about tweening things…

[AS]if ({
flashAddict = true;
} else {
flashAddict = false;

[AS]FlashCoder.prototype.goToBed = function(ScreenFuzzy){
if (ScreenFuzzy && _root.OfFrustration == MyProject){
Action((Saved) ? “Close” : “Fukkit_CloseAnyway”);
Power = false;

:beam::alien: :alien: :alien: :alien:

lol Lost…! :P. Sometimes I do speak in as… :-\

Ahmed: LOL… I do too actually… man… we are sad.

*Originally posted by ahmed *
this one is from keith peter’s interview :slight_smile:

“You know you’re a Flash addict when you start looking at everything around you and saying, 'I bet I could do that in Flash.”’

I actually do that**

I do that often, but usually its " I bet I could do that in 3ds max…"


I agree… B-dawg feels bad for me cause i had a dream last night where i was trying to make a preloader for external swf’s (true story :))

you should start a new thread, titled 'you know you’re addicted to 3ds max when… " :stuck_out_tongue:

man I turned out to be an addict… sorta!
heh! I said it! The first step to freedom!

_root.SubmitReply.onRelease() = function() {
Submit the dam reply!

  1. when you have a broken fingewr and stll werk on finishing your flash site.
  2. when you talk to your parents about how this code wont work
    65)when instead of getting into fights at school you ind youself challenging them to a flash battle
  3. you carry at least 2 flash books around just incase you need to show someone up.

lmao…u guys crack me up…i wanna b an addict…

Sometimes I want to chalenge other ppl to a flash battle ut I can’t because they would ask me “Flash? what the heck is Flash?”
So I can’t… what a pity… :slight_smile:

i’m becomming an addict…YAY!..i bought my first AS book today…