Does everything work?

Once the server issues are fixed, this is extremely cool:

I will slowly start replacing all of the Disqus comments with the embeddable discourse comments instead. This way we will have one set of “comments” as opposed to the two we have today - Disqus and Discourse (and vBulletin).

Well, unless I’m mistaken, swapping back to the old emojis might have fixed things… So there’s that.

:hamburger: … I guess the other posts above would have to be rebuilt to fix them?

[edit] Yup, I rebuilt the first one and that cleaned it up [/edit]

You can just refresh your cache, too, I believe. The rendered HTML is just an img tag, and by restoring the old emoji set the formerly broken hamburger image links are now unbroken.

They weren’t/aren’t broken links. It was the :hambürger: text. I only rebuilt one, you can probably see the others above yourself.

Oh, I suppose that if you used a non-working emoji during few-day window when we switched to the new/old kF smiles, then it’d be broken now. But it wouldn’t have shown up when you posted it, either.

If you used one of the Discourse emojis before I added the old smilies, and I didn’t rebuild your post then, then the emoji will now show up again, like in this thread: Descender-aware link underlines

We just got our first set of spammers earlier today! If that isn’t a sign that things are working well, I don’t know what else is haha!

I spent some tweaking the various styles and other things to make the place fit better with the main site. The most noticeable thing is that the header is back :stuck_out_tongue:

Sooooo now Discourse has official support for custom smilies. I tried adding our kF ones back, but it crashed/stopped accepting them after adding about 6 of them. So enjoy those until that fixes itself. :sure:

I need that AA battery smiley back!

Hmm. Does it mean that at this rate, in about 4 years, we’ll have all of our smilies appearing properly? :stuck_out_tongue:

On a separate note, moving the forums to a server with more RAM seems to have slowed down the initial load time further. I’ve gone ahead and posted a question about that here:


smilies are a fairly new technology. You can’t expect everything to be working as expected just yet.

Is there a short-term change I can make to speed the forum up? For example, should I just unpin the one topic that I currently have pinned?

The short fix is to remove pinned topics from the query altogether, as Sam indirectly suggests here. I’m guessing he didn’t suggest that as an “actual” fix because it disables the pinned topics feature altogether. Anyway, we could temporarily modify our Discourse install so that it runs that faster query instead.

this has been an issue for me on the galaxy s 5.

Haha, I think that’s an issue that the Discourse people don’t want to fix. They figure that landscape mode + keyboard doesn’t give them enough space to show your input anyway. I don’t know where the thread is on the Discourse meta forums, but it’s definitely there somewhere.

I see what you’re saying, though. It’s silly that you can see your typing if you rely on the autocorrect bar and underscores, yet you can’t just see the normal text box. The people working on Discourse seem to be satisfied with the reaction that it’s not their fault that phone OSes give such a tiny amount of screen real estate to input forms.

What are you doing up at 6am anyway?

haha, wait a minute what are YOU doing up at 6, and 2:47am in the same day?

It’s only 3:38am here; hardly bed time!

oh yeah you’re in CA now right? I thought you were in the north east

I was in Cambridge, MA; now I’m in Portland, OR. Keep up with the times! :confounded: